sOmewhere: nOwhere | human.tree | pink.tangerine | poet.blood | pétite.étoile | manzana.marina

The lonely way

There are times in which feelings mix up and you are demanded to feel two opposite emotions at the same time, happiness-sadness, relief-tension, achievement-failure, fulfillment for the achieved and sorrow for the loss... Sometimes they oppose each other so much that you are left with nothing, no emotion whatsoever, numbness. A numbness that doesn't give room for clear thought... for a clear way out. It is in those times when there's nothing left, that you realize you are alone. I guess there's no choice, no solution, just the expectancy of time, to wait for it to pass. Meanwhile, I head to nOwhere...

photo by Gilad Benari

3 anonymous notes:

At November 01, 2006 3:06 PM Anonymous said...

te quedó bien bonito el lugarcito,
pero parece que el mes no va empezando muy bien para todos,
ojalá se arregle pronto,
all the hugs for you,
we'll always have nowhere.

At November 01, 2006 5:10 PM *~PinkTangerine~* said...

Ya sabes que nos encanta cuando la gente se dispersa y va a parar un no where, auqnue no me da gusto que sea por estas razones. Sólo acuerdate que nowhere, tmb es now here, tons, no es que estés en ningún lugar, sólo que haora estás ahí. Eso es mejor que star en quien sabe donde!
HUgs and Care bears!

At November 01, 2006 9:52 PM une pétite étoile said...

"If you wait long enough it passes
I promise,"
love u...


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