sOmewhere: nOwhere | human.tree | pink.tangerine | poet.blood | pétite.étoile | manzana.marina


Dicen por ahí que cada quien forja su propio destino y que la vida se construye con base en las descisiones que cada persona toma. Estoy de acuerdo, siempre he pensado que las elecciones que hacemos cambian la ruta de nuestras vidas, nos permiten guiar este gran barco y darle rumbo. Sin embargo, también hay que reconocer que el oleaje hace su parte y a veces nos lleva a lugares inesperados, nos saca de la ruta o nos sorprende llevándonos a tierra fácilmente. La suerte tiene un papel crucial en lo que nos ocurre, en los resultados de nuestras elecciones.
Today, I made the choice to go to a movie theater and watch Babel. Luck took care of the rest. Luck made me (and some friends) get late enough (after a 45 min bus ride), so that tickets for the next 2 screenings were sold out. Luck didn't wanted me to watch Babel. Lucky was that they had Flags of Our Fathers showing 15 min later. Lucky they still had tickets. The theater, I had herd, was one of the best in LA; and lucky for us our movie was at the main room, the Arclight Dome. Amazing is the only way to describe an espheric room, in blue and golden, with a huge (HUGE!) rectangular screen that had a bit of a curvature to surround the audience.
Lucky we had the best seats of the house, and even luckier was that my seat was right in front of the seat of the black guy from the TV series Scrubs (I guess being in LA helps the cinematic luck and the celebrity encounters).
So that was luck today. Of course it ended with a treat, being Halloween and all. Unlucky was that we got in the wrong bus, had to take another one and still walk for forty minutes. That's life!
As promised, here is another story, a light and funnier story, which is based on a true event but as every adaptation is not real at all!! Just a bit!!! In case you wondered, it is also about luck. Hope you like it...


A vase of luck

Life is very much a game of luck. Some days everything just works the right way; life seems easy and fun. It is in those days that a weird feeling of happiness and overconfidence takes over hopeful individuals and a sense of power makes everything and anything seem accomplishable. Those days are great, we have all had them every once in a while.
More often, you can encounter sad individuals with a gray cloud of rain following them as they walk facing the ground, jumping at every single sound, falling on their face as they carry a big box, and stepping into all the wrong places. You actually avoid them from the distance hoping that their bad luck will remain their own. Being them is uncomfortable, because in those days in which you have to face reality and even bad luck at every single place you visit you also face embarrassment.
It is difficult to determine whether it is destiny or just personal mood the cause for these two extremes on a determined individual, to shape the path of a certain day. Life is like that, one might say those changes are what keep life exciting and scary.
Scary is how I would describe teenage years. Life in junior high is not the high point for most of the people, one might say that the gray cloud is just part of the daily outfit of teenagers. Nevertheless, my life was moderately uneventful either way. Being a shy, intelligent kid kept me out of trouble and also limited my outbreaks for social success.
It was unexpected, yet at a certain point during my first year I encountered one of the good days. It had begun with being assigned to work with a beautiful girl who had the best smile I had ever seen. It is obvious to say that I had had a crush on her for a long time. So happiness took over me, it was a chance to change my uneventful life.
We agreed to get together that afternoon to begin with the project. She suggested her house, I agreed immediately, she said at five, I said yes, she told me to bring the materials, I said sure, she could have told me to make it by myself and I would have obviously agreed. The rest of the day went well, classes seemed more bearable, my mother cooked my favorite dish for lunch and I even found a my favorite CD which I had thought to be lost.
I got there at five and we went inside. She told me to settle on the living room and that she would be right back. The house was impressive, it was stylishly decorated with modern furniture, abstract paintings on the wall, a large window that had a view to the long backyard and the pool, and couple of tall, tasteful pottery vases on the floor just beside the spiral staircase where she had disappeared just moments before. I was amazed, it was just getting better for my materialistic self: she was beautiful and rich.
When se came back we began to overview our project and the initial small talk began. Family questions, compliments on her house, what does she like to do on her free time, and so on. She was a great girl, funny, intelligent, and a good converser. Confident as I was, happy for everything turning out the right way and hopeful as the initial awkwardness had just faded, I actually began to enjoy myself in her company.
I got into telling this story about a trip and I got up from the steps were we had sat to make the assignment to reenact some stupid moment of my story, when I suddenly hit something with my back. Her laughing stopped. I turned back and saw one of the large vases swinging down, I quickly reacted and pulled it towards me before it fell, it did not. The second vase, however, had been hit by the first and the moment I secured the former it crashed into pieces all over the living room floor. Silence fell.
My mind started racing with thoughts, should I just turn around and say I am sorry? Should I start picking up the pieces? How expensive was that thing? Would I have to pay? Her mother is upstairs! Should I laugh and break the silence? No, that would be stupid. Can I make a joke? What if the thing was art? Ok, one thing is for sure, the awkwardness is back.
I began to pick up the pieces; she went upstairs as her mother asked what had happened from her room. Yes, the day had changed, the good luck had faded and the gray cloud had settled in. I thought I should probably leave before it made me break anything else. I told her I was sorry, she said I should not worry, with a tone that implied the opposite and we agreed that each one would finish a part of the work. I did not work with her again. Her smile was not for me since that day on.

6 anonymous notes:

At October 28, 2006 6:45 AM Anonymous said...

Sometimes I have my doubts about destiny, luck and choice... I get mixed up or become totally skeptic, which is btw, my choice... But yes, we have all had one of those days and are just great, even if later things get awkward and you start breaking fine art or losing smiles. Then the episode is stored within your memories, and memories are sometimes wishes, as well as dreams: imagination and experience together, wanting to hug each other.
I guess I can say I'm lucky because I remember many of those days shared with a wonderful amiguito.
* si Shonda lee este blog, te va a querer contratar.

At October 28, 2006 2:01 PM d:ego said...

Hope Shonda wanders into the blog. By the way, I don't know if it was luck but the professor liked my story and (since every class he reads the two best) he chose this one, over the ones of students actually in the film major. The guest speakers in class that day were the screenwriters of Ocean's Eleven and Matchstick Men, so they had to hear my story. It felt cool and I was very weirdly satisfied that day hehe.

At October 28, 2006 9:50 PM *~PinkTangerine~* said...

Ayer en la escuela, a eso de las 8:10 am, el cielo era gris. No sólo las nubes estaban a mis pies para que yo, con mis pierna, pudiera partirlas y caminar entre ella,hacía frío y me encontraba en una situación rara por aquello de la falta de palabras y la decepción de que nuestra realidad se forma sólo por la mitad de lo que en verdad es. De que las cosas no siempre son como lo esperamos y estás un poco atascado en ellas. Y derrepente vi que el aire llevaba unas pequeñas gotitas en él, del otro lado tmb. No tuve más remedio qu sonreir como no lo había hecho en días. No sé como fue el resto del día, silencios incomodos, miradas evasivas y una clase de francés aburrida, pero por esos dos minutos en que lo gris de hizo agua, tuve suerte.

At October 29, 2006 12:39 AM une pétite étoile said...

Puedo contarselo al que queria ser tu amigo? si si.. a ese que quería ir a donde estas.. por favor! esta como muy subidito ultimamente con eso de que no estas para recordarle que realmente no tiene talento.. jaja.. fue maravilloso baby! jaja rei.. algo que hace falta en estos días, debo confesar que en cuanto lei lo de la sonrisa supe que terminaría en un jarrón roto.. y eso solo me hizo aun mas feliz.. te aaaaaaamo! te extraño
Im like a proud mama... jejeje

At October 29, 2006 3:05 PM Anonymous said...

Sorry I haven't been able to comment. Yet I have read most things as soon as you post them. I like your stories, I enjoy reading them very much.
I am very proud of what you are achieving over there. Really, really proud. Ich love toi! haha
Well, gotta go, mañana tengo examen, so I've got to try and study :P
But before, two petit news:
Firefox 2 is out! (and its got spell check!) Y'all should give it a try!
Second... you have got to watch this, is so beautiful PAINT FIREWORKS!!!

At October 31, 2006 1:33 AM Manzana Marina said...

Oh dear Lord, I'm the last one!!! least I didn't brake a piece of art... ntc. Une drôle d'histoire sans doute, me reí mucho... pasando a cosas más serias, dicen que la suerte de unos es la desgracia de otros, será? la verdad es que he dejado de creer en ese tipo de cosas; digo también dicen que afortunado en el juego, desafortunado en el amor... y no me veo precisamente ganando la lotería.
Un abrazo and thanks for the story.


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