sOmewhere: nOwhere | human.tree | pink.tangerine | poet.blood | pétite.étoile | manzana.marina

Once again...

So here I am once again, not doing my homework, not reading, not doing laundry, not cleaning, not doing anything important... just surfing the net and learning about this thing (notice the links? The quote? And the new gloomy setup template? uh? hehehe, did it without any help, just haven't figured out the photo thingy and the color change... but whatever, enough for today). I noticed you want me to post more frequently so here it's... a simple hello.

LA: Good, not many adventures this week, appart from walking with my groceries for almost two miles (a road including several hills), which is not fun... but I just keep telling myself that it is just like excercising, good for my body and necessary to thwart fast food. Let's hope it works 'cause I've given up on the gym for the week, well sickness did the trick.

I watched The Departed last night, really violent, but a great movie, a different cop story... that Scorsese knows something about movies... just a bit hehehe.

Ok, enough for tonight... I hope I can post soon, though this week might be difficult as freckles is coming to visit (me: ecstatic–which is how david, my brit roomie, defines really happy). I'll see you soon!

PS: Figured out the photo thingy!!! Nice uh?!

5 anonymous notes:

At October 16, 2006 3:44 AM Anonymous said...

I was here, in nowhere.
Have an ecstatic week.

At October 16, 2006 8:59 AM *~PinkTangerine~* said...

Quedó lindo el lugar ehh. Qué lindo que estés hechando electricidad jajajaja, y ojala ya estés menos enfermo. Saluditos!!

At October 16, 2006 4:52 PM Anonymous said...

Hi Diego!
Im glad you finally had a chance to add some posts to this blog. Its good to read news about beloved people. As far as I'm concerned, I am ... totally and brutally exhausted! I've been having at least 1 exam weekly for at least a month, I've sucked at most. I've been sleep deprived for too long. But anyways, enough complaining for me.
Leyendo los comments capte algo bastante gracioso, hehe el comentario de una ruda pequeña estrella, hahaha, me dio bastante risa, mi comentario nunca tuvo esa conotacion, pero ahora que lo veo, me agrada más como ella lo tomo. (Diego, sólo tu sabes como disfruto este tipo de malentendidos)
a lo que respondo:
1. Far from it...
2. No te preocupes ale, tu identidad esta oculta conmigo, uupppsss :S
3. I never said that, I just pointed out something that I (as a foreigner) noticed. But a word of advice, you should seriously try taking critiques a little less personal
4. sí, la mantendre secreta, pero no para los fines que mencionas, simplemente me gusta la controversia :P
and remember... as frankie said... RELAX!!!

At October 17, 2006 11:43 PM Manzana Marina said...

Ecstatic day, ecstatic, week, ecstatic life, who cares... want some tea?

At October 23, 2006 2:25 AM Anonymous said...

Today, as I was chatting w/ some people around 2 am (for a while you were one of them)I complained of all the stupid stuff we are forced to read and learn(I know, me complaining, can you belive it??), and one of those stupid/weird persons you have no idea how they became part of your contact list sent me this quote by Epictetus, "Only the educated are free." in his twisted way to try and make me feel better.
To what I say, BS! freedom (as well as sand) is overrated, whats wrong with that other cool phrase "ignorance is a bliss" uh?? I think I'll stick to the later and just go to sleep!!
PS: I watched Friends with Money today, and somehow enjoyed it, haha apparently I am the only person who doesn't think its a bad movie


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